Amlaki Vibhitaki Haritaki

Each individual herb in Amalaki, Vibhitaki & Haritaki is known to help in supporting digestion & colon health, improving appetite, having laxative properties, soothing hyperacidity and detoxifying the body systems. Nutrilite Amalaki, Vibhitaki & Haritaki has assured levels (30%) of the beneficial active ingredient, Tannins, which is present in the extract of the fruit pericarp of certified organic Amalaki, Vibhitaki & Haritaki herbs which are cultivated from non-GMO seeds following the 9-step process. The right species goes into the tablet which is ensured by DNA Fingerprinting. We ensure Purity, Safety & Potency in every Nutrilite Amalaki, Vibhitaki & Haritaki tablet.

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